» » 2nd European Congress of Local Governments

2nd European Congress of Local Governments

В категорії: Конференції / Новини | Дата: 2-05-2016, 22:28 | Переглядів: 1 451

2nd European Congress of Local Governments
Krakow 5th– 6th April 2016

The European Congress of Local Governments is a platform that allows for the exchange of ideas and views, as well as a meeting place for local government leaders, local elites and the representatives of national administration, NGOs and businesses. The Congress will take place in ICE Kraków for the second time.

The direct cooperation between regions and European cities in the economic and social matters has developed to the point where it has a profound influence on politics and economy of the entire continent. The Congress is a chance for the representatives of Polish and Central European local governments to talk about increasing the efficiency of spending the structural funds from the European Union. It is also an opportunity to exchange experiences and to establish partnerships.

Europe must be rebuilt from scratch, but not starting from a roof- i.e. the EU institutions, but from the bottom –i.e. local communities – said Emil Boc, former Prime Minister of Romania, and now the mayor of Cluj-Napoca during the Opening Plenary Session of the II European Congress of Local Governments. The Congress was held at the Congress Centre ICE Krakow on April 5-6th. Participants of the session have agreed to the fact that local governments should have more autonomy, including financial. I'm afraid that there is a growing tendency in Europe of centralizing decisions and having strong government position- said Jan Rokita, the moderator of the Session.

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