» » 15x4 took place in Ivano-Frankivsk

15x4 took place in Ivano-Frankivsk

В категорії: Конференції / Новини | Дата: 21-09-2018, 17:48 | Переглядів: 1 226

Puppet Theater, Language and Thinking, Securities Market and the Ruby on Rails phenomenon - such topics were unveiled by speakers of the lecture circle 15x4 in Ivano-Frankivsk.
"Through 15x4 we attract the general public to what researchers in various fields are doing and thus promote science. The events are free to visit and it will continue to be so. Anyone can come as a listener or become a lecturer. Lectures are held regularly in different cities of Ukraine and of the world. In Ivano-Frankivsk the event was held for the first time. " - says the organizer of the lecture Ihor Yurchyshyn, chairman of the NGO "Academy of New Technologies".
"The event took place in the Promprylad building and attracted interested youth of the city. The combination of lectures and informal communication has become a great opportunity to listen to experts presentations in distant areas to my area and to find out something new while sharing the capture from my own area - programming. Rails are interesting to people and I saw it in their eyes during the lecture. Rail is a framework that is enjoyable for programmers and productive for business, and allows even novices to quickly start and continue to implement their ideas in the code. " - commented Artur Martsinkovsky, a programmer, one of the lecturers.
We thank the speakers Lesya Pron, Orest Bagrii, Zoriana Matsuk and Artur Martsinkovsky for meaningful performances.
The lecture was organized by the Academy of Modern Technologies and the Institute of Non-formal Education and with the help of the Department of Youth Policy of Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration.

And even if you have not been lucky to be present at the event, video lectures will soon be available on the YouTube channel and on the official pages of the organizers in social networks.

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