» Матеріали за 2018 рік
Опублікував admin1 в категорії Новини | Дата 6-12-2018, 14:02
Опублікував admin1 в категорії Анонси | Дата 25-11-2018, 21:43
15x4 is a popular science project that makes the world a better place, these are non-commercial events in the cities of Europe and the CIS. We make free educational meetings, the part of which are four popular science lectures lasting fifteen minutes.

Опублікував admin1 в категорії Наші проекти | Дата 17-11-2018, 22:53
15x4 - це науково-популярний проект, який робить світ кращим, це некомерційні заходи у містах Європи та СНД. Ми проводимо безкоштовні освітні зустрічі, на яких розповідаємо по чотири науково-популярних лекції тривалістю у п'ятнадцять хвилин.
Опублікував admin1 в категорії Конференції / Новини | Дата 21-09-2018, 17:48
Puppet Theater, Language and Thinking, Securities Market and the Ruby on Rails phenomenon - such topics were unveiled by speakers of the lecture circle 15x4 in Ivano-Frankivsk.
"Through 15x4 we attract the general public to what researchers in various fields are doing and thus promote science. The events are free to visit and it will continue to be so. Anyone can come as a listener or become a lecturer. Lectures are held regularly in different cities of Ukraine and of the world. In Ivano-Frankivsk the event was held for the first time. " - says the organizer of the lecture Ihor Yurchyshyn, chairman of the NGO "Academy of New Technologies".

Опублікував admin1 в категорії Анонси | Дата 4-09-2018, 14:09
On September 20, 2018 at 17.30 o'clock at the address: street Academic Saharov, 23, "Promprylad" the first cycle of lectures 15x4 will have place in Ivano-Frankivsk. Organized by the NGO "Academy of Modern Technologies" together with the NGO "Institute of non-Formal Education" the event means four lectures. The topics of the lectures are:
1. 15 minutes about the puppet theater
2. 15 minutes about language and thinking: why words have no meaning
3. 15 minutes about the securities market and on-line trade
4. 15 minutes about the phenomenon of Ruby on Rails - startups at the speed of light
Опублікував admin1 в категорії Новини | Дата 31-05-2018, 14:56
On May 31, 2018 in Ivano-Frankivsk there had place the opening of student space named "Campus" on the first floor of dormitory No.5 of PreCarpathian National University. One of the purposes of student space is to carry out projects of non-government organizations.

Опублікував admin в категорії Новини | Дата 31-01-2018, 11:04
The representative of the NGO "Academy of Modern Technologies" participated in the judiciary of the charitable project.

The Diamond Challenge provides a unique opportunity for teens to learn about entrepreneurship while putting their ideas into action. While many entrepreneurship programs focus on principles of small business management, the Diamond Challenge focuses on unleashing creativity, encouraging a mindset of abundance and self-determination, and promoting purposeful entrepreneurial action.